"Renaissance Transverse Flutes:
A Re-examination of the Surviving Istruments"
in Musique de Joye, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Renaissance Flute and Recorder Consort, Utrecht 2003.
During the printing process, the appendix of my article (list of surviving renaissance flutes) was unfortunately omitted by mistake. Click here to download the missing apendix in pdf format.
Order a copy of 'Musique de Joye' here
A Re-examination of the Surviving Istruments"
in Musique de Joye, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Renaissance Flute and Recorder Consort, Utrecht 2003.
During the printing process, the appendix of my article (list of surviving renaissance flutes) was unfortunately omitted by mistake. Click here to download the missing apendix in pdf format.
Order a copy of 'Musique de Joye' here
"The Renaissance Flute in Mixed Ensembles - Surviving Instruments, Pitches and Performance Practice"
Early Music, May 2006. A pdf version of the article is available here.
“Musicalischer Seelen-Lust: The use of Traverso in German Seventeenth Century Sacred Concerti.” pdf
Geschichte, Bauweise und Spieltechnik der Querflote, Michaelstein 2006. pdf
“Reconstructing the "fifres" of the Grande Écurie”(Music at the Grande Écuri” eroject in Basel, 2007-2009)